Chris Pearce
CertEM(IntMed), CertES(SoftTissue), Dipl.EVDC(Equine), BAEDT, MRCVS
European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Equine Veterinary Dentistry
The Equine Dental Clinic, Dorset, England
Chris has considerable experience in equine dentistry at all levels. He has post-graduate qualifications in internal medicine and surgery and was the first vet in the UK to also qualify as an equine dental technician (EDT) in 2001. Since then Chris has developed a wide referral client base for advanced and surgical equine dental conditions.
Chris teaches, lectures and examines widely on equine dentistry in the UK and worldwide. He is past chairman of the BEVA/BVDA examining committee for EDT exams, past BEVA Council representative for equine dentistry, chairman of the BEVA Dental Working Party for political aspects relating to dentistry – and winner of the coveted Pet Plan Vet of the Year Award for 2011, an achievement that the judges awarded in recognition of Chris’s work in equine dentistry and the beneficial effect on equine welfare.
Chris is dedicated to advancing the science of equine dentistry and is particularly interested in novel restorative and preservative treatments. This has placed Chris at the forefront of equine dentistry worldwide.
Chris Pearce
CertEM(IntMed), CertES(SoftTissue), Dipl.EVDC(Equine), BAEDT, MRCVS
European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Equine Veterinary Dentistry
The Equine Dental Clinic, Dorset, England
Equine Head Trauma/Conditions & Sinus Access – A Practitioner’s Approach A 2-Day Practica...
Fri, 24 October,2025 - Sat, 25 October,2025
Chris Pearce
CertEM(IntMed), CertES(SoftTissue), Dipl.EVDC(Equine), BAEDT, MRCVS
European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Equine Veterinary Dentistry
The Equine Dental Clinic, Dorset, England
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